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Le marché mondial du tourisme de remise en forme et du bien-être est estimé à 3 400 milliards de dollars trois plus que lindustrie pharmaceutique selon étude réalisée pour le Sommet mondial Global Spa Wellness

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Global Spa & Wellness Summit Study: $3.4 Trillion Global Wellness Market is Now Three Times Larger Than Worldwide Pharmaceutical Industry

Following annual summit, industry leaders unveil milestone study, new clearinghouse for evidence-based research on wellness therapies, and 2015 launch of wellness industry think tank

New York, NY (September 30, 2014) With consumer demand for wellness services and products higher than ever, a landmark study released today by The Global Spa & Wellness Summit reveals that the global wellness market is now worth $3.4 trillion, making it nearly three times larger than the $1 trillion* worldwide pharmaceutical industry.

The study, The 2014 Global Wellness Economy Monitor, was unveiled today in the wake of the 8th Annual Global Spa & Wellness Summit, which drew more than 400 industry leaders from 45 nations to Marrakech, Morocco in mid-September to chart the future of the global wellness industry.

Conducted by the independent, non-profit research firm SRI International, the study confirms wellness as one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing industries. To assess the size of the industry, SRI identified and evaluated ten major wellness sectors: alternative and complementary medicine; beauty and anti-aging; fitness and mind-body; healthy eating, nutrition and weight loss; preventative and personalized health; spa; thermal and mineral springs; wellness real estate; wellness tourism; and workplace wellness.

Wellness sectors seeing the most significant growth since 2010 are:

  • Healthy eating, nutrition and weight loss (108 percent increase to $276.5 billion)
  • Preventative and personalized health (78 percent increase to $243 billion)
  • Complementary and alternative medicine (65 percent increase to $113 billion)
  • Beauty and anti-aging (51 percent increase to $679 billion)

Other highlights of the study include:

  • The spa industry grew 58 percent from $60 billion in 2007 to $94 billion in 2013, with 47 percent increase in spa locations from 71,762 to 105,591
  • Wellness tourism expanded to $494 billion in revenues, rising 12.5 percent from 2012, significantly outpacing SRI’s original growth forecast of 9 percent
  • The first-ever assessment of the thermal and mineral springs sector, which accounts for $50 billion in revenues and spans 26,847 properties worldwide

According to Susie Ellis, Chairman and CEO of the Global Spa & Wellness Summit, the research reflects a seismic shift in both personal behavior and government policy worldwide.

“We are at a pivotal movement where people worldwide are taking steps to change the way they live, work, and play, while at the same time governments are finally recognizing the value of investing in prevention to lower healthcare costs,” said Ellis. “The study confirms that the wellness industry can play a critical role in leading efforts in ensuring that people worldwide have access to the best services, products, and information that promote health and well-being.”

“The double-digit annual growth across all wellness sectors is a direct result of prevention-challenged traditional healthcare systems and an obesity and chronic disease crisis that simply cost people and governments too much,” said Ophelia Yeung, senior consultant, Center for Science, Technology & Economic Development, SRI International.

In conjunction with the debut of the research, Ellis announced the 2015 launch of the Global Wellness Institute, a new think tank that will be dedicated to developing research, education, resources, and initiatives that promote innovation and sustainable growth in the global wellness industry. It will serve as an umbrella organization that oversees the Global Spa & Wellness Summit and the Global Wellness Tourism Congress, which brings together tourism ministers and wellness tourism experts at an annual conference and at regional roundtables to shape strategies for advancing the fast-growing travel category. The 9th Annual Global Spa & Wellness Summit will take place alongside the 3rd Annual Global Wellness Tourism Congress in Mexico City in 2015.

As a preview of the work that the Global Wellness Institute will develop and implement, Ellis unveiled, the world’s first comprehensive clearinghouse of evidence-based research on wellness approaches. Created for industry professionals and consumers, the portal provides in-depth overviews of scientific research on the full range of wellness therapies – from acupuncture, massage, and meditation to nutrition counseling, sauna, and yoga. As part of the launch, the Global Wellness Institute announced a partnership with Scientific American, which will bring the publication’s trusted coverage of science, technology information, and policy to both and other Global Wellness Institute initiatives.

"We are excited to develop a custom content partnership with Global Wellness Institute to help elucidate the science behind many areas of wellness for a growing global audience", notes Jeremy Abbate, Vice President, Global Media Alliances for Scientific American. "Topics such as meditation, nutrition, acupuncture, yoga and others have, in recent years, been studied in a very rigorous way and with the highest levels of academic scrutiny. We are in an era where wellness is becoming a much more serious and important enterprise than ever before."

The Global Wellness Economy Monitor was underwritten with support from the following industry leaders: Spafinder Wellness 365, Delos LLC, Massage Envy, Natura Bissé, MINDBODY, Biologique Recherche, Bon Vital, ESPA, Jhana, Noel Asmar, The Body Holiday and WTS International.

*IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics estimate for 2014

About The Global Spa & Wellness Summit (GSWS)
The Global Spa & Wellness Summit (GSWS) is an international organization representing senior executives and leaders joined by a common interest in driving economic development and understanding of the spa and wellness industries. Delegates from diverse sectors, including hospitality, tourism, health and wellness, beauty, finance, medical, real estate, manufacturing and technology attend the organization’s annual Summit, which is held in a different host country each year and attracts attendees from over 45 countries. The GSWS is considered the leading global research and educational resource for the $3.4 trillion spa and wellness industry. It's known for introducing major industry initiatives such as the Global Wellness Tourism Congress, whose global forums bring public and private stakeholders together to chart the course of the fast-growing wellness travel sector, and, the world’s first online portal to the medical evidence for common wellness approaches. For more information, visit

About SRI International
SRI International is a nonprofit research and innovation center headquartered in Silicon Valley. Government and business clients worldwide come to SRI for pioneering solutions in biomedical sciences and health, chemistry and materials, computing, education, economic development, energy, security and defense, robotics, sensing, and more. We provide research, laboratory and advisory services, technology development and licenses, deployable systems, products, and venture opportunities. Our innovations have created new industries and marketplace value, and lasting benefits to society. Visit SRI’s website and Timeline of Innovation to learn more.

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(Reuters) - A growing middle class and consumers' evolving attitudes toward health and travel have fueled a global spa and wellness industry worth an estimated $3.4 trillion in 2013, according to a report released on Tuesday.

Nutrition and weight loss, preventative and personalized health, complementary and alternative medicine, and beauty and anti-aging treatments were the biggest growing sectors, the report compiled by the non-profit research center SRI International showed.
"All across the world we have seen, from Asia to Europe to Africa to North America, more and more people are consciously thinking about healthy food, exercising, looking to nature, getting massages and doing yoga," said Ophelia Yeung, a senior consultant for SRI International who led the study.
Spa treatments and products, alternative and complementary treatments and weight-loss programs once considered beyond the means of many people, she added, are becoming more mainstream with a growing middle class.
While medical care treats illness and disease, wellness is focused on prevention through a variety of healthy habits, nutritional eating, exercise and treatments.
To compile the report researchers looked at wellness sectors ranging from mind and body fitness to beauty and anti-aging, spas and workplace wellness.
The global spa industry generated $94 billion last year, according to the Global Spa and Wellness Economy Monitor report, up from $60 billion in 2007. With more than 32,000 spas, Europe had the highest revenue of $29.8 billion, followed by the Asia-Pacific region with $18.8 billion and North America with $18.3 billion.
Emerging markets in the Middle East and Africa have been growing the fastest in terms of adding spas. In Asia, China and India are leading growth, while in Europe it is Eastern Europe, Russia and the Baltic states.
Thermal/mineral springs generated $50 billion worldwide but the biggest industry sector was wellness tourism, or travel associated with maintaining or enhancing one's personal well-being and health, which accounted for $494 billion.
"Wellness travel is a very fast growing segment within travel. That's because as people become more conscious about a healthy lifestyle they naturally want to extend that when they travel," Yeung explained.
The report showed that the number of people taking international and domestic wellness tourism trips grew by 12 percent from 2012 to 2013. That was 36 percent faster than overall tourism trip growth, which is estimated at 9 percent.
The SRI report was commissioned by the annual Global Spa & Wellness Summit. More than 400 wellness industry leaders from 45 countries attended the 2014 summit in Morocco earlier this month.
(Editing by Piya Sinha-Roy; Editing by Richard Chang)

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According to reports, wellness tourism shares a major part in the global wellness economy. While wellness tourism earned more than $494 billion in 2013, the spa industry earned more than $94 billion and the mineral/thermal springs industry earned over $50 billion.

The mineral/thermal springs industry is relatively new to the wellness tourism industry. However, it is rooted in ancient traditions of rejuvenating and bathing in mineral and thermal waters. There are many destinations around the world that are modernizing their mineral and thermal water facilities. Some of them are even building resorts and hotels near the water sources. Japan, Germany and China are the top three countries modernizing the mineral/thermal industry.

Additional Findings of the Study

● In 2013, around 586.5 million wellness trips were taken around the world. This was a 12% increase from 2012.

● International tourists spent around $1,639 per wellness trip in 2013. The amount is 59% higher than what an average international tourist spends.

● Domestic tourists spend around $688 per wellness trip. The amount is 159% higher than what an average domestic tourist spends.

● The top 5 wellness tourism markets include the United States, France, Germany, Austria and Japan.

● In 2013, there were 105,591 spas around the world. This was a 47% increase from 2012.

● In 2013, there were more than 27,000 mineral and thermal spring establishments around the world.


Consultez la source sur Veille info tourisme: Le marché mondial du tourisme de remise en forme et du bien-être est estimé à 3 400 milliards de dollars trois plus que lindustrie pharmaceutique selon étude réalisée pour le Sommet mondial Global Spa Wellness


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Visiter les Calanques de Marseille c’est comme voyager au bout du monde dans un endroit à la fois mythique et captivant. Mais comment se permettre une telle fantaisie ? Justement, une sortie dans les Calanques rentre pratiquement dans l’air du temps et peut convenir à n’importe quel voyageur. Mais pour bien marquer cette journée, autant s’assurer d’avoir fait le bon choix du circuit.

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Le circuit dans les Calanques de Marseille

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