Parution de lAnnuaire régional d’Eurostat 2014 Le chapitre consacré au tourisme porte sur la politique et le marché touristique de lEurope

Mardi, 07 Octobre 2014 00:00 (Joce Hubert)

This chapter presents regional patterns of tourism across the European Union (EU); its main focus is tourism occupancywith in tourist accommodation establishments, while it also
presents figures on the capacity of tourist accommodation.The statistical definition of tourism is broader than the common definition employed on an everyday basis, as
it encompasses not only private trips but also businesstrips. This is primarily because tourism is viewed from an economic perspective, whereby private visitors on
holiday and visitors making business trips have broadlysimilar consumption patterns (transport, accommodation and restaurant / catering services). As such, it may be of
secondary interest to providers of tourism services whethertheir customers are private tourists on holiday or visitors on a business trip.
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Consultez la source sur Veille info tourisme: Parution de lAnnuaire régional d’Eurostat 2014 Le chapitre consacré au tourisme porte sur la politique et le marché touristique de lEurope